
Meet "The Originals"

iconz4girlz began in 2007 with the generous gift of ICONZ resources from Boys’ Brigade NZ. 


These were picked up by a team of four volunteers who then developed them into the programme we have today.

  IFG Team
    Left to Right: "The originals" - Janice Zachan, Christine Brunt, Jennifer Box, Charmayne  Johnstone

Christine Brunt MNZM

A former National Commissioner of Girls’ Brigade NZ and instrumental in establishing the initial meetings with Boys’ Brigade ICONZ. 

Jennifer Box QSM JP

 A former National Commissioner of Girls’ Brigade NZ and former Pacific Representative on the Girls’ Brigade International President’s Committee.

Charmayne Johnstone

 Like Jennifer, Charmayne has been a Girls’ Brigade member since a small child.  Charmayne was the Events Co-ordinator for two GB Fonomarae (like a scout jamboree).

Janice Zachan QSM JP

 Janice was also a former National Commissioner of GBNZ and past International Vice President of Girls’ Brigade International. .