
Information for Churches

iconz4girlz is a weekly programme provided by The Girls’ Brigade New Zealand which has been delivering Christian based programmes to Kiwi girls since 1928.

The Girls’ Brigade NZ is an Incorporated Society and is a Registered Charity. By providing written material on which to base weekly programmes, along with other supporting resources to churches, GBNZ/IFG is giving you the tools to set up a ready- made mission outreach to the girls in your church and in your community.

An iconz4girlz group is called a Unit and the programmes provided target four age groups –

  • 5 to 7 years - IFG Explore
  • 8 to 10 years – IFG Adventure
  • 11 to 13 years – IFG Challenge
  • 14+ years – IFG Ultimate
IFG photo group
These groupings are flexible however and if your church wants, for example, to run a programme for just Year 7 and 8’s that’s not a problem.

Churches looking for a ministry for girls who have graduated from Mainly Music or similar could find IFG Explore a great follow on activity.

The church owns the Unit and is responsible for its operation and oversight. Here's a recommendation from a church.

The IFG materials are copyrighted and may only be used by a registered Unit following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the church and GBNZ/IFG.  Leaders must be approved by the church and are required to sign a Code of Conduct, a Leader’s Registration form, complete Health & Safety training, and are police-vetted.

A national fee is charged.  This is paid quarterly and is based on the number of girls in the programme for the term.  No fees are charged during the first 12 months of operation.  All programme and supporting materials and initial training of leaders is provided free of charge.

Girls wear a uniform of t-shirt and cap and are awarded badges for activities they have taken part in.